Category: Windows
How To Enable Google
How to Enable Google Discover on Your Phone If you are on an Android device, you may wonder how to enable Google Discover on your phone. The steps to enable Google Discover are similar to those used to enable Google Search on your iPhone. You can swipe left on your home screen to find it.…
how to enable google prompts
How to Enable Google Prompt on iPhone and iPad How to enable Google Prompts on your iPhone or iPad? In order to activate this feature, you need a secure phone, an updated Google app, and Touch ID enabled. Then, Google will send you a sample prompt to verify the feature. Respond to the notification and…
How To Enable Other User In Windows 10
How to Enable Another User in Windows 10 If you’re wondering how to enable another user on your Windows 10 computer, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll go over how to disable the Fast User Switching feature, change the settings of a specific user, hide the username from the lock screen,…
How To Enable Apps In Incognito Mode
How to Enable Apps in Incognito Mode If you use Chrome on a regular basis, you have probably wondered how to enable apps in Incognito Mode. The good news is that Incognito Mode prevents websites from tracking your browsing history. Unfortunately, it also prevents extensions from working in the browser. Here’s how you can enable…
How To Enable Less Secure Apps
How to Enable Less Secure Apps If you are using a Google account, you must know how to Enable less secure applications. You can disable access to these apps for everyone or manage access for specific users. If you want to disable less secure applications for all users, read this article. You can also check…
How To Enable XMP Without BIOS
How to Enable XMP Without BIOS If you want to use enable XMP without BIOS, there are two ways to accomplish this. You can enable it in UEFI or the BIOS. Once enabled, XMP will allow you to set your memory’s rated speed. However, you can also disable it. This method is the most common.…
How To Enable XMP
How to Enable XMP Profiles on Your PC You may be wondering how to enable XMP profiles on your PC. First, you must boot your machine to the BIOS. You can then access the BIOS menu to enable the XMP profiles. Your motherboard may have different profiles or manual overclocking options. It is important to…
How To Enable CrossPlay On Xbox
How to Enable Crossley on Xbox 360 During the setup of your Xbox, you have to enable crossplay on xbox for other users. This can be done by going to your settings and looking under the “gameplay privacy” section. There you can find the option that says “Allow cross platform play.” To enable crossplay, set…
How To Enable Apple Car Play
How to Enable Apple CarPlay on Your Car If you’re wondering how to enable Apple Car Play on your car, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re driving a new Cadillac Escalade or Toyota Entune, you can set up your new phone in seconds! All you need to do is plug your iPhone into…