Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Set Up Cookies

How to Set Up Cookies

Set up cookies help websites remember a user’s details and improve the overall experience on a website.

They also allow the server to track when a page is visited. Although the process varies slightly depending on the browser, it is generally straightforward to set up cookies. Etsy’s policy is a good example as it uses clear, accessible language.

Setting up cookies involves a few key steps to ensure they’re implemented correctly on a website. Cookies are small pieces of data stored on a user’s browser, commonly used for tracking, authentication, and personalization.


Cookies are primarily used to store information about a user’s activity on a website. They consist of key-value pairs and are stored on the user’s browser. They can be classified into various types based on their lifespan and origin, such as session cookies (temporary) and persistent cookies (long-term).

Setting Up Cookies:

  1. Define the Purpose: Identify the specific purposes for using cookies on your website. Whether it’s for analytics, authentication, personalization, or other functionalities, understanding the purpose is crucial.
  2. Check Legal Requirements: Ensure compliance with legal regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Provide clear information about the use of cookies and obtain user consent where required.
  3. Choose Types of Cookies: Determine which types of cookies you’ll use based on your website’s needs. For example, session cookies for temporary data or persistent cookies for long-term preferences.
  4. Coding Implementation: Cookies are typically set using JavaScript. Use the document.cookie property to create, read, and delete cookies. For instance:
    document.cookie = "cookieName=cookieValue; expires=expirationDate; path=/";
    • cookieName is the name of your cookie.
    • cookieValue is the value associated with the cookie.
    • expirationDate specifies when the cookie expires.
    • path=/ indicates the path for which the cookie is valid.
  5. Setting Cookie Attributes:

    • Expiration: Set an expiration date for persistent cookies using the expires attribute.
    • Secure and HttpOnly: For sensitive information, use the secure attribute to ensure the cookie is transmitted over secure HTTPS connections only, and HttpOnly to prevent access from JavaScript.
    • Domain and Path: Define the domain and path for which the cookie is valid. This allows better control over where the cookie is sent.
  6. Managing Cookies:
    • Read Cookies: Use JavaScript to read cookies stored in a user’s browser. Access cookies using document.cookie and parse the information.
    • Modify and Delete: To modify a cookie, overwrite it with a new value and the same name. To delete, set the cookie’s expiration date to a past time.
  7. Testing: Thoroughly test the cookie functionality across different browsers and devices. Ensure that cookies are being set, read, and deleted as intended.
  8. Consent Mechanism: Implement a cookie consent banner or pop-up to inform users about the use of cookies and obtain their consent as per legal requirements.

Best Practices:

  • Transparency: Clearly explain in your privacy policy the types of cookies used, their purpose, and how users can manage them.
  • Consent: Obtain explicit consent before setting non-essential cookies.
  • Security: Use secure practices, especially while handling sensitive information in cookies.
  • Regular Review: Regularly review and update your cookie policy to stay compliant with evolving regulations.

Cookies are small text files

Cookies are tiny text files that a web server saves on a user’s computer when the user visits the website. They are used for a variety of purposes, such as managing browsing sessions, personalization, and ad targeting. A cookie consists of two parts: a name and a value. The name is a string of characters, while the value is a randomly-generated alphanumeric identifier.

Web browsers use a simple function to create cookies. The function sets a cookie by adding together a cookie name, a cookie value and a number of days until the cookie expires (cvalue, cexdate). The value is sent to the browser with each request.

Cookies can be grouped into two categories: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are stored in the browser’s memory only while the browser is open, and are deleted when the browser is closed. Persistent cookies remain on the computer until they are deleted or expire, and are often used to keep track of login information for web services. Google

They are stored on your device

Cookies are useful in digital marketing for a variety of reasons. They help online merchants build up a profile on their customers by tracking what they have clicked on, which pages they have visited and so on. They can then use this information to target specific products and services to those people.

Cookie settings are usually accessed via the browser menu. These are easy to manage, and can be set to your own preferences. For example, you can choose to allow all cookies, or only those from sites you’ve visited. Alternatively, you can choose to block cookies entirely. However, this may cause some websites to not work properly.

To make sure you’re protected, you should always check the privacy policies of sites before allowing them to store data on your computer. To do this, click the three-dot icon in the top-right corner of your Chrome window, then select Settings. Then, scroll down to the Site settings option and click it.

They help websites remember your details

Website cookies help websites remember information about users and their actions on a website. The information can be used for several purposes, including convenience and marketing. For example, cookies can store login details for a website so that users don’t have to enter them every time they visit the site.

This can save time and reduce frustration. Cookies can also help website owners track and analyze user behavior to improve the site’s performance and to understand how users interact with the site.

While the data in cookies isn’t harmful by itself, it can be dangerous if it falls into the wrong hands. As a result, it’s important to protect your privacy by keeping your cookie settings in check. You can use a consent management platform like CookieScript to manage website cookies and comply with privacy laws.

You can even use it to create a cookie policy for your own website. This will help you make sure that your website visitors are informed about how their personal data is being collected and used by you.

They are used for advertising

Cookie-based marketing has been a key component of digital advertising for years. But not everyone understands how it works and what the different types of cookies actually do. It is important to understand these little bits of data, so you can protect your privacy and avoid being tracked by cybercriminals.

Cookies are an essential part of web browsing and help websites provide more personalized and convenient website visits for visitors. They also enable websites to track user behavior and allow users to log in using their own unique identifiers. In addition, cookies can also track user’s browser type, time zone, language, operating system and device used to access a site.

In addition to a website’s cookies, third-party cookie tracking is another valuable tool for marketers. These cookies are stored by other companies on a web server and can track the behavior of a user across multiple sites and apps. This information is then used to target the user with relevant ads.


Setting up cookies involves understanding their purpose, legal implications, coding implementation, and adherence to best practices. It’s crucial to prioritize user privacy, security, and compliance while leveraging cookies to enhance user experience on your website. Always aim for transparency and offer users control over their cookie preferences.

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