Category: Laptop
How Do I Enable CORS Browser
How Do I Enable CORS Browser? Do I Enable CORS Browser is a standard that helps websites handle requests from other websites. It is implemented by adding a header to web servers that allow them to allow requests from other domains. This header is called the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header and is unique to each web server. However,…
How To Enable Cors In Chrome
How to Enable CORS in Chrome In this article, you will learn how to enable CORS in Chrome and how to configure CORS plug-ins. You will also learn how to remove a CORS plug-in if you don’t need it. You can also use a chrome extension to download the CORS.CRX file and then open it…
How Do I Enable Extensions In Private Mode
How Do I Enable Extensions in Incognito Mode? There are some advantages and disadvantages to incognito mode. This article will show you how to enable and disable extensions while using private mode. Also, learn how to set which extensions to run in private mode. Then, you will have the option to switch back to regular…
How To Enable Extensions In Incognito Edge
How to Enable Extensions in Incognito Edge This article will explain how to enable extensions in Incognito mode on Edge. But first, you should know that Edge is not able to prevent extensions from saving history in this mode. So if you want to disable extensions in Incognito mode, you should enable the inPrivate mode.…
How Do I Enable Dark Mode On My Laptop
How Do I Enable Dark Mode on My Laptop? In this article, we’ll look at how to enable Windows 11’s built-in dark mode, including the way to enable it in any app. We’ll also cover how to turn off the dark mode if you don’t want to use it do I enable dark mode on…
How To Turn Off Night Mode On Google
How to Turn Off Night Mode on Google Most phones now come with a dark mode feature and it is a popular option among users. Turn Off Night Mode On Google It can reduce eye strain and has some benefits like increased battery life. However, it can also be turned off. There are several ways…
How To Enable Data Saver In Facebook
How to Enable Data Saver in Facebook If you have a mobile phone that’s running out of space, enable data saver in Facebook you might want to turn on data saver in Facebook. This tool, which can save hundreds of MB a day, is available in the Facebook app. It can be turned on automatically…
How to Enable DRM in Portal
How to Enable DRM in Portal The first step to protecting your content from piracy is to enable DRM in your portal. DRM is like a secure portal, and it allows only authorized users to access licensed files. DRM keeps your content protected while providing your users with a central location to access it. There…