How To Enable And Enforce MFA

How to Enable and Enforce MFA in Your Azure Tenant

Enable And Enforce MFA makes it much harder for hackers to gain access to your user accounts. It adds an extra hurdle they have to jump over before they can access your data and possessions.

To enable MFA, use the Azure Active Directory Admin Center to create a customer managed policy that forces users to register for it. This can be a temporary solution until you can transition to Security Defaults or Conditional Access.

Enabling and enforcing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a crucial step in enhancing the security of your digital accounts and systems. MFA adds an extra layer of protection by requiring users to provide multiple forms of verification before accessing sensitive information or applications.


1. Understand the Basics of MFA (100 words):

Multi-Factor Authentication combines two or more independent authentication factors: something you know (password), something you have (token or mobile device), and something you are (biometrics). This layered approach significantly strengthens security by reducing the risk of unauthorized access.

2. Choose an MFA Method (150 words):

Selecting the right MFA method is crucial. Common methods include:

  • Text Message (SMS): Sends a code to the user’s mobile phone.
  • Authentication Apps: Like Google Authenticator or Authy, generate time-based codes.
  • Biometrics: Uses fingerprints, facial recognition, or other unique physical attributes.
  • Hardware Tokens: Physical devices generating one-time codes.
  • Email Authentication: Sends a code or link to the user’s email address.

Consider the nature of your system and user preferences when choosing an MFA method.

3. Implement MFA in Identity Provider (200 words):

If your organization uses an identity provider (IDP), enable MFA within the IDP settings. This often involves configuring MFA policies and selecting the preferred authentication methods. Popular IDPs, such as Azure AD or Okta, have user-friendly interfaces for MFA setup.

4. Integrate MFA with Applications (150 words):

For applications that don’t rely on a central IDP, integrate MFA directly. Most modern applications and services support MFA integration. This may involve configuring settings within the application or using APIs to connect with an authentication service.

5. Educate Users (100 words):

Inform your users about the upcoming MFA implementation. Provide clear instructions on how to set up MFA on their accounts. Address any concerns they may have and emphasize the importance of MFA in enhancing security.

6. Enable MFA for Administrative Accounts (100 words):

Prioritize enabling MFA for administrative accounts. These accounts have elevated privileges and are attractive targets for attackers. Ensure that all accounts with administrative access are protected by MFA.

7. Set Up Conditional Access Policies (150 words):

Implement conditional access policies to customize MFA requirements based on specific conditions. For example, you can enforce MFA only for certain applications, devices, or locations. This granular control enhances security without causing unnecessary friction for users.

8. Test MFA Implementation (100 words):

Before enforcing MFA, conduct thorough testing. Ensure that MFA works seamlessly with your applications and doesn’t disrupt normal operations. Address any issues that arise during testing to provide a smooth experience for users.

9. Enforce MFA (100 words):

Once testing is successful, enforce MFA for all users. Set a reasonable deadline for users to enable MFA on their accounts. Communicate the enforcement policy clearly to avoid any confusion.

10. Monitor and Adjust (100 words):

Regularly monitor MFA usage and adjust policies as needed. Analyze logs and reports to identify any suspicious activities. Stay informed about new MFA technologies and security best practices to continuously improve your organization’s security posture.

Security Defaults

If you want to bolster your organization’s security posture, consider activating Microsoft’s Security Defaults in your Azure tenant. The feature requires all users to use modern authentication protocols and register for MFA when prompted, and disables legacy authentication protocols that can’t support MFA. These policies apply to everyone in your Azure tenant, including admin accounts. You cannot granularly configure these settings.

It’s important to note that this is a significant change for most users, so be prepared for some pushback and make sure you have an effective communication plan in place before you enable the setting. It’s also important to remember that this isn’t a replacement for MFA — it’s just an additional layer of protection. If you’re concerned about the impact of security defaults on your users, consider using Conditional Access policies in your tenant to provide more granular control over authentication methods and devices.

Security Defaults are activated by default in all new tenants and are currently being rolled out to existing tenants without Azure AD Premium licenses. They are designed to provide a basic safety net while organizations develop their security strategy and offer simple, easy-to-use policies that are preconfigured for all users in your Azure tenant. In addition to requiring MFA, these policies will block authentication from legacy clients and prevent users from accessing Azure portal, PowerShell and the Azure CLI from unsupported browsers.


If users have Enable And Enforce MFA on their smartphones, they can choose to receive push notifications instead of text messages. When a user logs in with Duo on their phone, the app sends a passcode that needs to be entered as a second factor for authentication. When the passcode is entered, the user is logged in. If the passcode is not entered within 10 seconds, the login request fails and the user must repeat MFA.

When you enable Push, you can select a device group to which the feature applies. You can also select whether the firewall records authentication timestamps for each authentication event, and you can configure a custom message that is displayed to the user when their phone signs them out of an application.

Note that when you enable Push via Auth0 Guardian, the Duo mobile application must be updated to version 4.0 or later. If you do not update the app, users may experience issues with their Snowflake access.

When you Enable And Enforce MFA with Push, you must choose at least one independent factor that all users must authenticate with before they can use any other factor to sign in to your Auth0 tenant. You must also select the types of MFA factors you want to allow for each user. To set up MFA requirements, go to the Auth0 Dashboard and select MFA.


The ability to instantly communicate with team members in real-time through a chat platform is crucial for DevOps teams. It enables them to share important context in a timely manner and avoid blaming each other for failures or missteps.

Without proper controls, it’s easy for anyone in a development workflow to run a command from a chat client and gain access to sensitive data, says Asaf Yigal, co-founder and VP of product at log management vendor “The script might be for something trivial like deploying code to production, but it could also be to shut down or restart a service,” he says.

A secure chat platform can help you ensure that only authorized users are interacting with your MFA services. For example, you can use Push to alert users that their passwords need to be stronger or to remind them to register for MFA.

In addition, you can create a chatbot that sends the user a link to the MFA enrollment form. That way, they can complete the process from their desktop or mobile device. By enabling this type of ChatOps, you can reduce the time it takes to get your MFA policy up and running. And you can improve the accuracy of MFA registration and reduce your exposure to account takeover attempts by reducing human error.

Conditional Access

Enable And Enforce MFA Once you have your per-user MFA in place, you can use Conditional Access to enforce access policies based on user risk factors. This helps improve your security posture without impacting users by enabling access only in high-risk scenarios, such as when a user is off site or using an unknown device. In order to create a policy, log into the Azure AD admin portal and click on Identity > Conditions and Access controls. Then select New Policy and provide your policy settings.

This is an option that’s best used for accounts that require extra proof of identity – such as privileged admins or break glass accounts. This can be a great way to improve security while also helping avoid disruption to business operations.

Another benefit is that this approach allows you to move from MFA by default for everyone to Conditional Access without asking your users to re-enroll. This would be a huge pain point for most employees and a major drain on IT service desk resources.

With this option, you can define a policy that requires MFA for all logins to cloud apps or actions. You can also define the MFA factor requirements and apply them to specific devices and apps if necessary. For example, you can require MFA for all cloud apps when the user is on an unmanaged or personal device or when they are in a location where your security policies don’t allow them to do work.


Enabling and enforcing Multi-Factor Authentication is a fundamental step in safeguarding your digital assets. By understanding the basics, choosing the right method, and implementing it effectively, you can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access and enhance overall security. Regular monitoring and adjustments ensure ongoing protection against evolving security threats


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