Tuesday, May 7, 2024

How To Enable ActiveX In Internet Explorer

How to Enable ActiveX in Internet Explorer

ActiveX is a framework that enables software to communicate with one another. This makes it susceptible to malware attacks. However, the good news is that you can easily enable or disable ActiveX in Internet Explorer. Read on to learn how to enable ActiveX in Internet Explorer. If you’re concerned about ActiveX’s vulnerability, read on. We’ll explain why you should enable ActiveX, and how you can prevent malicious software from harming your computer.

Microsoft created the ActiveX standard in order to allow software components to interact with each other over the network. This enables websites to come alive with multimedia effects, interactive objects, and sophisticated applications. The ActiveX framework provides the glue between the different technologies that make a web site come to life. For those who don’t know what ActiveX is, here’s a quick primer Google.


Internet Explorer 11 and Microsoft Edge no longer use ActiveX but they are still widely used. Although it’s not as widely used these days, it’s still useful to users of Internet Explorer, as it enables standalone software to receive updates and interface across different programs. It is also used in fillable forms and interactive documents. But the future of ActiveX isn’t as bright as it used to be.

How To Enable To Malware Attacks:

Malware authors use ActiveX to inject code into your computer, which enables them to perform actions against your local workstation. Microsoft’s web browser uses ActiveX controls to download and display content, and they can take advantage of a vulnerability to implant malware on your computer. However, despite the fact that Internet Explorer is one of the most widely used browsers, it is still one of the most vulnerable programs to malware attacks.

As of today, Internet Explorer is still vulnerable to activex attacks, a bug that affects a variety of ActiveX controls. Known problematic controls are listed in Table 6.3. ActiveX controls that are not regularly updated are especially susceptible to this bug. For example, Adobe’s Acrobat Reader 4.0 control contains a buffer overrun bug that allows hackers to access your hard drive. Because this bug has not been patched, you could become a victim of a malware attack and not even realize it.

How To  Enabled Or Disabled In Internet Explorer:

There are two ways to enable or disable Protected Mode in Internet Explorer. The first is to enable User Account Control in Windows. The second is to click on the Security tab. Then, look for the Enable Protected Mode option. You must restart your computer for the change to take effect. Disabling Protected Mode may increase your system security. However, it will also leave your system vulnerable to malicious software.

While enabling this feature will increase security, you may want to disable it for various reasons. You can reduce the number of vulnerable applications and software updates that your system needs. By enabling it, certain context menu items will still be displayed, including the Open with Internet Explorer command. However, when you disable it, you will not be able to use these features. Because Internet Explorer has been around for so long, many legacy websites and web applications rely on it.

How To Issues With ActiveX Controls:

If you’ve been having issues with ActiveX controls in Internet Explorer, you’re not alone. Many organizations still use legacy applications that are built with ActiveX technology. It is crucial for organizations to know how to handle ActiveX controls, so they can continue to use those applications even after the end of life date for Internet Explorer. For more help, check out My Oracle Support, which offers over a million knowledge articles and a vibrant support community.

ActiveX Controls In Internet Explorer:

  1. Click Tools > Internet Options.
  2. Click the Security tab > Custom Level.
  3. Scroll down to ActiveX controls and plugins and click Enable for: …
  4. Click OK to close the dialog boxes, and then restart Internet Explorer.
  5. For Internet Explorer 9 and later, you must also disable ActiveX Filtering, if turned on.

One common issue with ActiveX controls is buffer overrun, a bug in which a malicious code can gain access to the underlying system. In September 1999, Microsoft released a security advisory for this bug, but companies that don’t update their software regularly are still vulnerable. This problem affects both Microsoft and Adobe code, including the Acrobat Reader 4.0 control. However, Internet Explorer users shouldn’t disable ActiveX controls for security reasons.

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